Splicing is the process used when a continuous seal is required for an application. Whether the application requires a simple or complex splice, the physical integrity of the joint is a top priority in the design process. There are a variety of solutions to consider depending upon your needs.
Injection Splicing
The injection splicing method is very similar to injection molding and is the most involved splicing solution. Within this process, the mold is designed so that two or more components of the seal can be inserted into the tooling. Next, a polymer is injected into the mold and joins the ends of the seal to create a continuous o-ring or multi-sided gasket. This process allows the level of detail necessary to make an aesthetically pleasing splice, and requires considerable tooling, making it more time consuming and expensive option.
Film Splicing
The film splicing method minimizes waste and improves the economic efficiency of the entire production line. This is a unique process because it is not necessary to apply adhesive thus eliminating the need for flash trimming. Also, inserts are not required for splicing bulb seals, and that allows for faster cycle times in comparison to traditional molding.
This is a one-step process that increases productivity and removes error. An added benefit is the machine’s cooling ability which allows taped profiles to maintain their adhesive ability during the process.